童年同悅 Gift For Kids

Gift For Kids Foundation will designate its funds to supporting the projects below

Drama workshop + gardening activity class

Drama workshop + gardening activity class

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Father's Day Drawing Contest

Father's Day Drawing Contest

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Sat. class (2022-23)

Sat. class(2022-23)

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SI Training (2022-23)

SI Training(2022-23)

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Saturday social class (2022-23)

Sat. social(2022-23)

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PST service(2022-23)

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Parent-child children's drawing class

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特殊需要 SEN 親子兒童繪畫班

SEN Parent-child children's drawing class

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Noah's Ark One Day Tour

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Family Fun Day

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ST Funding Scheme 2022

ST Funding Scheme(2020-2022)

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Tutorial in English or Putunghua

Tutorial class

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Free Occupational Therapy Online Parent Workshop

OT Online Workshop

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Occupational Therapy Assessment

OT assessment

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Homework tutorial

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Free natural organic honey

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Parent Training Workshop

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Matching Grant in Support of Hong Kong Children & Youth Services' Application of the 6th Batch of CDF

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「愛鄰舍 ─ 義工經驗分享」徵文獎勵計劃

“Love Myself. Caring for Others.” Writing Award Scheme (2016)

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Eat Smart Little Chef

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「吃喝玩學EPL®」英語課程 (2016)

EPL® English Program (2016)

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童年同悅英文進步獎勵計劃 (2016)

Gift For Kids Improvement in English Scholarship (2016)

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「吃喝玩學EPL®」英語課程 (2012-13)

EPL® English Program (2012-2013)

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作文比賽 (2009-2011)

Composition Competition (2009-2011)

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戶外探索活動 (2009-2011)

Exploration Activities (2009-2011)

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獎學金 (2011)

Scholarship (2011)

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生日會 (2008 - 2011)

Birthday Party Roster (2009 - 2011)

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Life planning and Life education Project

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Gift For Kids Improvement in English Scholarship (2017)

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Visit to Tai O (P5)

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Contact Us

Tel:(852) 3705 3175

WhatsApp: (852) 5613 2566

Email: info@gift4kids.org.hk

Address: Room 1506, Wayson Commercial Building, 28 Connaught Road West, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

Facebook: facebook.com/gift4kidshk

Instagram: instagram.com/gift4kidshk